

Hangjia Culture


Shanghai Hangjia Yacht Co., Ltd. & Shanghai Hangjia Culture Development Co., Ltd. is formed by a professional team with senior experience in China's yacht industry, and the management and executive team has many years of actual operation experience in the industry. The main business projects are: water leisure tourism industry, engaged in coastal and inland waterfront waterfront tourist attractions investment development, planning, operation management and other work; Combining the international water leisure tourism cultural platform and well-known brand cultural exchanges with the promotion of Chinese maritime culture and water sports leisure culture; Plan and undertake professional water sports, such as: kayaking, sailing, OP sailing, SUP paddle board and other water leisure events and other large-scale cultural activities; In the yacht industry, engaged in the promotion of yacht brand culture and yacht agent, yacht club and yacht marina operation management. With management experience in the yacht industry, the team has worked together to execute many large-scale water events and plan tourist attraction projects.



1. 水上休闲旅游产业,从事滨海及内陆滨水岸线旅游景点的投资开发、策划、运营管理工作。

2. 结合国际水上休闲旅游文化平台及知名品牌文化交流与中国航海文化水上运动休闲文化的推广工作。

3. 以世博·航伽水上运动基地为基点,策划及承办专业水上运动项目,如:皮划艇、帆船、龙舟、SUP桨板等水上休闲赛事大型的文化活动。

4. 游艇行业方面,从事游艇品牌文化宣传和游艇代理、游艇俱乐部和游艇码头运营管理。

Main business projects are:

1. Engaged in brand culture publicity of water events and scenic spot planning of waterfront

2. Combined with the international aquatic leisure tourism culture platform and the cultural exchange of well-known brands and the promotion of Chinese maritime culture and aquatic sports leisure culture.

3. Based on the Expo·Hangjia Water Sports Base, we plan and undertake professional water sports events, such as kayaking, sailing, dragon boat, SUP and other recreational activities.

4. Engaged in brand culture promotion and yacht agent, yacht club and yacht terminal operation management.



We are specialized in the development of waterfront, lakeside, binhai and other theme scenic spots. Meanwhile, we are responsible for the commercial packaging, business planning, and later operation and management of these projects.

在世博管委会的带领下举办,作为世博区域游艇产业发展课题 “研究顾问单位”,航伽文化本着利他、共融的精神,以专业的态度,精细化的管理操作,开放包容的姿态为世博地区以及前滩地区的水上运动发展出力献策,努力构建集创意体验、休闲健康、合作参与、竞技比赛于一体的大型专业性水上休闲运动文化嘉年华活动,努力形成世博前滩地区特有的定期举办的经典文化体育活动。

Under the leadership of the Expo Management Committee, as the “Research Consultant Unit” for the development of the yacht industry in the Expo area, Hangjia Culture is based on the spirit of altruism and inclusiveness. Attitude, refined management and operation, open and inclusive attitude to contribute to the development of water sports in the Expo area and Qiantan area, and strive to build a large-scale professional water leisure sports culture integrating creative experience, leisure and health, cooperative participation and competitive competition. Carnival activities, efforts to form a classic cultural and sports event held regularly in the Expo Beach area.



The Water Carnival has been successfully held in 2016、2017、2018、2019. During this period, it has attracted many influential central enterprises, state-owned enterprises and world top 500 enterprises to participate in competitive competitions. The scale of the event is large and the opening of the venue is expanded. The influence of the activity in the public attracted the public's attention to the water sports and ignited the enthusiasm for participation.Some of the citizens also come to our base to play in daily life.
















The waterfront carnival in the Expo area has effectively implemented the spirit of the cross-strait construction project in Shanghai, and helped open the public space of the 45-kilometer riverside coastline on both banks of the Huangpu River. With the assistance of the Expo government, a new sports life culture platform integrating creative activities, popular science training, nautical culture and leisure experience for the Expo enterprises and the public will be established. After the help, the Expo will become the never-ending World Expo, and become a functional platform for the service of the Qiantan Central Business District.


Starting from the Pudong World Expo Area, make good use of the unique water resources advantages to build the 4A\5A water scenic spots in China's cultural tourism projects, and activate the reconstruction and upgrading of the water leisure tourism market with the highlights and advantages of water sports.



Combined with the international marine culture and water leisure culture, further open the eye, face of the actual, adjust measures to local conditions, follow the law of development of the sports industry and create a good business environment, give play to the role of the government support and service, make urban business card of Shanghai World Expo, make "water sports" public health way of life, let more water leisure service for the mass sports and mass consumption, let more people to experience, close water leisure culture, make it real in people life. We are Hangjia, leader of water leisure tourism culture!

Cooperative enterprises